Tokayev Focuses on Regional Security and Stability at Central Asia – Russia Summit


President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev focused on the importance of security and stability in the Central Asian region and stressed the need to develop unified approaches to prevent conflicts at an Oct. 14 Central Asia – Russia summit in Astana.

“At this difficult stage of world history, it is more important than ever for us to have a clear and positive image of the future. Our countries are destined to be together. We must protect our shared history and create a unified future for the well-being of our people. Stability and security in each of our countries have a direct influence on the development of the region,” said Tokayev.

Tokayev emphasized the need to develop effective tools to prevent new threats and respond to them proactively.

“We witness the rapidly changing world and the existing mechanisms of interaction need to be improved. Obvious examples are attempts to destabilize the situation in the region and the use of hybrid and information technologies to foment conflicts. I propose to instruct the Security Councils of our countries to develop a mechanism for preventive measures,” said the President.

Another destabilizing factor is the unresolved issue of borders in the region, according to Tokayev, and in addressing this, he called on the use of exclusively peaceful means in the “spirit of centuries-old friendship, trust, and good neighborliness,” as well as strict compliance with international law and the United Nations Charter.

Tokayev also urged his counterparts to maintain the established trade and economic ties with a focus to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and launch joint projects in energy, industry, transport and logistics, and agriculture. Promoting measures to remove trade barriers and avoid protectionist measures are equally essential. 

Kazakhstan is ready to cooperate in digitization, said the President, citing Kazakhstan’s 28th place in the UN Global E-Government Development Index (EGDI) for the development of electronic government. 

“Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) can become an effective platform for stimulating direct and portfolio investments in regional projects. The AIFC combines the best experience of world financial institutions and the latest tools. More than 1,400 companies from 64 countries have already registered in the center,” Tokayev said.

The key message, Tokayev said, is the inviolability of friendship, good neighborliness, and strategic partnership.

“We must effectively resist any attempt to split our peoples. (…) We must strengthen ties between the youth of our countries and expand cooperation in education,” Tokayev said.

Source: Astana