Intense Rains Cause Mudslides in Tajikistan


Intense rains that occurred on the territory of Tajikistan caused mudflows in the regions of Sughd Province in the north and an increase in the water level of the river in Lakhsh District, east of the country, RIA Novosti reports, citing Press Secretary of the Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (KHF) of Tajikistan, Umeda Yusufi.

“Due to heavy rains, mudflows descended on the territory of the Urmetan village of the Sughd Province, as a result of which local roads, auxiliary facilities and residential buildings were flooded and partially damaged. According to preliminary data, mudflows caused damage to 63 households, including 7 residential buildings, 56 auxiliary structures and household plots,” she said. According to Yusufi, a working group of the KHF arrived at the scene to determine the damage and provide assistance.

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