What Do the World Media Write About Blinken’s Visit to Kazakhstan


The world media did not disregard the official visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Kazakhstan and his talks with President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Tengrinews.kz reports.

The US Secretary of State flew to Astana on Tuesday, February 28, making his first official visit to the country. His stay and participation in official events in Kazakhstan, as expected, was followed by the whole world. Several foreign media wrote about this visit at once.

AP News noted that during the visit, Blinken stressed that the United States is committed to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Kazakhstan in view of the current geopolitical situation in the world.

“Since the United States first recognized Kazakhstan in December 1991, it has been firmly committed to the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence of Kazakhstan and the countries of the region,” Blinken was quoted as saying in the article.

Source: Tengri News