UNESCO Supports The Development of ICT Competency Standards for Teachers in Tajikistan


From 4 to 7 July 2023, 48 participants took part in the first national workshop on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) competency standards development- organized as part of a UNESCO project funded by the European Union. The national workshop aimed at developing national standards for ICT competencies of teachers, implement policy in the field of digitalization of the education sector and introduce the use of ICT in educational processes.

Participants included representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES), the Academy of Education of Tajikistan (AOT), the Republican In-service Teacher Training Institute under MoES, the Republican Training and Methodological Centre, the Republican Centre for Information and Communication Technologies, representatives of teacher training institutions, teachers and other education stakeholders.

During the workshop, the participants were familiarized with the results of the analysis of ICT competency of secondary school and vocational school teachers in Tajikistan. They learned from international experience in the development of ICT competency standards and their implementation. They were also introduced to the process of developing ICT standards and related performance indicators for teacher training and professional development.

As a result of the workshop, the participants identified a set of requirements (competencies) that should be met by teachers in general education schools and developed indicators to demonstrate teachers’ mastery of the required ICT competencies.

With the support of the European Union, this UNESCO initiative to develop ICT competency standards is being implemented to support the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan in reforming teacher training to facilitate the integration of ICTs into pedagogy.

Source : UNESCO