Nearly 400,000 Tons of Vegetables and Melons Were Harvested in Tajikistan This Spring


According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Tajikistan, the early crop of vegetables and melons exceeded 400,000 tons. It now is amounting to 10% of the planned agricultural production. This includes approximately 270,000 tons of onions, more than 38,000 tons of carrots, 26,000 tons of cucumbers, 20,000 tons of cabbage, more than 11,000 tons of melons, and about 10,000 tons of tomatoes. The average yield of vegetables and melons this year is 32 tons per hectare.

In addition, more than 103,000 tons of early potatoes were grown, and the harvest of early fruits amounted to 19,000 tons. For this agricultural season, Tajikistan plans to grow about 3.5 million tons of vegetables and melons, more than 1.1 million tons of potatoes, 500,000 tons of fruits, and 281,000 tons of grapes.

In Tajikistan, the harvest of early crops is still ongoing, and planting of autumn varieties of vegetables is already taking place on fields where early varieties of onions and some other vegetable crops were harvested. Some harvests are exported, with Tajikistan primarily exporting onions, carrots, cabbage, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as dried fruits.

Source: Fresh Plaza