Moscow and Dushanbe Became the Most Popular Destinations of the Chelyabinsk Airport


Since the beginning of 2023, Moscow and Dushanbe (Tajikistan) have become the most popular destinations for flights from Chelyabinsk Airport. This was reported to URA.RU in the press service of the OneTwoTrip booking service.

“From January to April 2023, residents of Chelyabinsk most often flew to Moscow. The capital accounted for more than half, namely 56.7%, of all orders within the country. Among foreign destinations, the most popular was the capital of Tajikistan. Dushanbe was visited by 34.6% of travelers,” URA.RU was told in OneTwoTrip.

The director of the Andromeda travel company, Olga Vasilyeva, explained to URA.RU that Moscow serves as a hub for connecting flights to other destinations, but no more than a third of the total flow of tourists goes there. Mostly business travelers visit the capital. Migrants fly to Tajikistan. As in Osh (Kyrgyzstan), the share of foreign flights in which amounted to 20.1%. On the third line is Yerevan (Armenia) with 10.7%. The list also includes Astana (8.8%) and Istanbul (7.0%). A year earlier, in the same period, they actively flew to Tajik Khujand (6.6%) and Belarusian Minsk (3%), but the airports of Kazakhstan and Turkey have now ousted them. Turkish airports were leaders in receiving Chelyabinsk travelers in the summer of 2022.

Among the Russian destinations in the top of OneTwoTrip, apart from Moscow, are St. Petersburg (20.2%), Sochi (13.3%), Mineralnye Vody (2.0%) and Kaliningrad (1.2%). Over the year, the picture has changed slightly: only Rostov-on-Don dropped out of the top five most popular destinations, giving way to the capital of the westernmost region of the Russian Federation.

The cost of flights remained at the same level. The average trip across the country costs travelers six thousand rubles. A flight abroad costs an average of 11 thousand.

Source : URA.RU