Minsk to Host Belarus – Uzbekistan Women’s Business Forum


A parliamentary delegation of Uzbekistan led by Chair of the Senate of the Parliament Tanzila Narbayeva will arrive on an official visit to Belarus at the invitation of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus, UzA notes.

As part of the first Belarus – Uzbekistan Women’s Business Forum, a plenary session will be held on “Women in business – the potential for business cooperation between Belarus and Uzbekistan”, and 6 sectional discussions.

The participants will visit several enterprises, an exhibition of the national economy, and leading institutions of higher pedagogical education.

The First Belarus – Uzbekistan Women’s Business Forum will be organized while discussing issues of the inter-parliamentary agenda.

“Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Belarus in the light industry is the most massive section, which has the most significant number of Uzbek representatives. Representatives in tailoring special clothes, linen knitwear, and children’s clothing will attend the meeting,” Chair of the Standing Commission of the Council of the National Assembly of Belarus for Economy, Budget and Finances Tatyana Runets says.

Source : Akipress