IDRW: Armenia interested in India experience with Su-30SMs

Caspian News

The Su-30SM fighter jets acquired by Armenia from Russia were not used during the war in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020, due to which the Armenian Air Force was sharply criticized, writes the Indian Defense Research Wing (IDRW) portal.


The portal notes that one of the reasons was that the Armenian pilots were not sufficiently trained, and Armenia could not get missiles for these fighter jets before the war.

IDRW notes that the Armenian Su-30SMs used only unguided missiles as a system, which is why the Armenian side now plans to diversify its resources to create its own air fleet, and relies on India’s help in this regard.

The portal reports that the respective collaboration can be from the training of pilots to equipping the Su-30SMs with Indian-made weapons.

Source : News AM