Foreign nationals, who will have significant contributions to Armenia’s economy, science, education, culture, health and sports fields, can get a citizenship of Armenia.

The respective draft decision has been put into circulation by the government.
According to the draft, foreign citizens, who will provide at least 150,000 US dollars to a foundation created for operating in education or science sector in order to replenish its inviolable capital, will invest 150,000 USD in the charter capital of a commercial organization (acquisition of a share) for a period of at least 10 years, will acquire government bonds in the amount of at least 150,000 USD for a period of at least 7 years, will purchase real estate in the amount of at least 150,000 USD for a minimum period of 10 years, with a cadastral cost approximated to the market cost of real estate, can get an Armenian citizenship.
The draft also says that foreign citizens, who will invest at least 150,000 USD in any investment fund (approved by the government) for a period of at least 10 years, will found a high-tech and (or) IT company in Armenia with capitalization equal to 1 million USD or more, with a condition that the center of vital interests of the founder is in Armenia, can also get an Armenian citizenship.
Foreign nationals, who will establish a branch of a foreign IT company in Armenia with capitalization equal to 100 million dollars or more, which has 500 or more staffers in Armenia, will establish a venture foundation in the amount of 80 million dollars or more, will make a financial investment worth 100,000 USD or more in a high-tech company or a venture foundation, can also get an Armenian citizenship.
Foreign citizens, who will have 20 or more years of experience in high-tech and (or) IT companies listed on the New York, Frankfurt or London stock exchanges, will have a long-term (not less than 5 years) active cooperation in international structures in postal field, as well as will make financial, material and technical investments in the field in the amount of at least 250,000 USD, can get an Armenian citizenship.
Having a working experience of at least 10 years in scientific or scientific-technical activities, or a scientific degree, a patent for an invention, state awards or honorary titles in science sector, as well as being author or co-author of at least five academic articles published in leading international scientific-information databases in the past ten years, having significant contributions to the spread and development of Armenian culture, long-term active cooperation with Armenian cultural, art figures or organizations, having significant participation to the preservation of Armenian culture, having public and charity activities, the international reputation of the applicant which can be used for the benefit of the strengthening and popularization of the international position of Armenian culture, as well as having active participation to the development of Armenian studies, philanthropy, long-term activities aimed at preserving the Armenian identity, making major investments, capturing prizes in leading international competitions, festivals, implementing expert projects and registering significant results, contributing to the preservation of the Armenian identity or acting in the benefit of the Republic of Armenia, can also serve as a base for getting a citizenship of Armenia.
As for the healthcare field, having an academic title of an associate professor or professor, or active charitable activities in healthcare sector, as well as having state orders or medal for other significant services, conducting medical care and services in Armenia’s and Artsakh’s medical facilities by foreign medics during martial law, can also serve as a base for getting an Armenian citizenship.
Source: Armen Press