Education Ministries of Belarus, Tajikistan Sign Joint Action Plan for 2023-2026


A ceremony to sign a plan of joint actions between the Belarusian Education Ministry and the Tajik Education and Science Ministry for 2023-2026 took place at premises of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR), BelTA has learned.

The document was signed by Belarusian Education Minister Andrei Ivanets and Tajik Education and Science Minister Rahim Saidzoda.

Andrei Ivanets said: “Today we state that Belarus-Tajikistan cooperation in education, science, and youth policy develops very dynamically. There is no doubt that it is primarily thanks to our heads of state. Their meeting took place last year. Certain agreements were reached back then. Including an agreement on training highly qualified personnel in a number of areas. First of all, engineering and technology, healthcare, agriculture, and other ones. All of them are being realized in full today. Over 500 students from Tajikistan are being trained in Belarusian universities. The advancement of interaction between professors and teachers of our countries is an important aspect, too.”

Andrei Ivanets remarked that Belarus and Tajikistan have similar priorities in education.

The Belarusian education minister said: “Training pedagogical personnel is one of the most important priorities in the development of the education system both in our country and in Tajikistan. It is within the framework of this interaction that Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics tightly interacts with the pedagogical university of Tajikistan and organizes exchange programs for professors and teachers in addition to sharing the best practices in training future pedagogues. It is also very important that we bolster our interaction in cultural affairs today. A center for studying Belarusian culture and language was opened in Tajikistan in late September. In the course of bilateral negotiations with Tajik colleagues we’ve discussed the possibility of opening a similar center in Belarus for the sake of studying Tajik culture and language. I am convinced that it will be a truly important and effective step forward. As for the organization of a forum of university rectors, it is the second time it is taking place. I believe the forum will become a traditional event. Over 50 higher education institutions as well as rectors from Belarus and Tajikistan are taking part in the forum. We intend to sign over ten bilateral agreements at the level of universities. All of them will represent the continuation of the memorandum we have signed today and the action plan between the Belarusian Education Ministry and the Higher Education and Science Ministry of Tajikistan for 2023-2026.”

In turn, Rahim Saidzoda noted he was confident that the second forum of university rectors is a venue that will allow realizing all the agreements between the two countries. “Today we have an opportunity to realize the instructions given by the leaders of our states. I mean plans regarding the past forum and new steps to advance interaction in education and science. We see that there is a huge potential for mutual relations between Belarusian and Tajik higher education institutions and rectors,” he added.

Within the framework of the forum a VIP delegation from Tajikistan visited Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Bilateral negotiations between the heads of the education ministries of Belarus and Tajikistan took place at the university.

Source : ENG