Chinese Companies Show Interest in Tajikistan’s Market


The opportunities of cooperation in different fields have been discussed at a meeting of top managers of the Tajikistan’s State Committee on Investment and State-owned Property Management (GosKomInvest) with senior representatives of a number of Chinese companies.

GosKomInvest’s official website say the meeting took place in Dushanbe on April 12 and GosKomInvest top managers discussed cooperation issues with directors of Macao Bridge Technology Limited, Alibaba’s Division for Cooperation with Central Asia and Russia and some other Chinese companies.

The parties reportedly discussed issues related to cooperation in the fields of transportation and logistics, agriculture, tourism, culture and some other priority areas.  

Representatives of the Chinese companies were informed about opportunities of investing in Tajikistan’s economy, in particular, tax and customs benefits offered by the Tajik government to investors.  

Chinese companies expressed interest in opening their representative offices in Tajikistan, says GosKomInvest’s official website.  

Source : ASIA-Plus